An International Network.
Since 1966, the IED has developed innovative and diversified teaching methodologies, focused on synergies between technology and experimentation, creativity, strategies and integrated communication, market issues and a new form of professionalism. Thus does the Istituto Europeo di Design offer young professionals working in the fields of Fashion, Design and Communication the knowledge and the effective tools they need to cater for the constantly developing requirements of the working world.
The nexus between knowledge and knowhow is the indispensable starting point for developing the cultural, creative and critical skills and competencies that are the ultimate goal of education at the IED.
Partnerships with leading enterprises are a fundamental factor in the IED’s educational strategy, featuring both at every stage throughout the didactic process and in the special events held to mark the end of every academic year. As a result of the IED’s constant, active relationship with the business world, more than 200 firms contribute in various ways every year to its student training programmes.