Master in Tourism & Hospitality Management (English). DURATION: Three terms/one year NUMBER OF CREDITS: 60 ECTS LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: Barcelona Overview. An increasingly globalized world has led tourism to become the fastest growing industry in...
Posgrado en Dirección de Turismo Internacional y Ocio. Formato: Full Time Modalidad: Presencial Duración / Créditos: 10 meses Idioma: Español Área: Hospitality & Tourism Presentación. El enfoque del Máster...
Summer Course in Food, Wine and Tourism Communication in Piedmont. Duration: 3 weeks | Language: English Italy is the perfect laboratory to explore and experience first-hand the importance of communication for tourism and gastronomy. This unique program covers...
Categoría: Turismo
Modalidad: Presencial
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Via San Quintino, 39, 10121 Torino, Piemonte
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