Italian Luxury Experience
Summer and Winter courses - Rome.
The world's leading luxury and fashion brands rely on a business vision as much as on creative talent. Therefore the Summer Course in Italian Luxury Experience aims to provide the student with an insight into the heart of the luxury world by learning from successful examples. Students will learn to apply management knowledge to the luxury industry focusing on two of the fastest growing fields in the world, the fashion and lifestyle industries.
Furthermore students will gain concrete work experience through business projects that will be inherent parts of the course. Students will acquire understanding of the differences that exist within the international business culture. They will gain skills, knowledge and experience that are in demand in the exclusive and highly competitive job markets of: branding, marketing, merchandising and event coordination in the fashion and luxury profession.
Language: English
Level and Pre-requisites: This is an introductory course and no previous studies within the field are required. Skills such as basic visual communications through computer graphics, and basic photography are useful.
Learning Outcomes: This full time summer course in English, is an introduction to the world of luxury through the study of its key role players while immersed in the very roots of its expression. Students will gain knowledge in areas related to the world of luxury, the global realities that are exposed to it, while enjoying the advantages of being based in the eternal city.
Visits will be arranged to the most famous art galleries and venues in which excellence is produced and exhibited, to explore the concept of luxury in a temporal and all encompassing manner.
Topics Covered:
- Marketing research - Students will acquire knowledge of how to utilize key elements to develop research, study the economics of luxury and how to prepare an analysis of the sectors.
- Technical ability - Elements of budgeting and planning, production flow, definition of quality, preparation of a briefing, "lateral thinking" for a creative and successful approach to work in the field will be discussed.
- Management and personal placement - Fundamental elements for the successful management of a team, self-evaluation to better target his or her own curriculum, self promotion, elements of leadership and management of the creative resources will be examined.
IED ModaLab, IED Design, IED Artes Visuales, IED Comunicación son realidades completas en la estructura y en al oferta formativa, unificados por la cultura común del proyecto. Cada una responde a las exigencias del mercado laboral, a través de recorridos didácticos enfocados a las reales necesidades e los respectivos sectores de referencia: cuatro mundos creativos con sistemas productivos autónomos y de fuerte identidad. La metodología didáctica innovadora y la sinergia mutua entre las distintas escuelas también a través de seminarios, proyectos, muestras y eventos, aseguran una preparación general y especifica completa y eficaz.
El objetivo del área multidisciplinar es obtener conocimientos más allá de un Área específica, intentando potenciar las habilidades comunes a todos los alumnos. Se trata de aprender a concretar ideas propias en un resultado formal diverso: que se pueda leer, tocar, vestir… Aprender a conocer las otras especialidades y los puntos que las unen: que el mundo de la moda está muy cerca de la precisión industrial. Qué la gráfica se encuentra en todas las cosas, pero estas tienen tres dimensiones. O que un plano acotado no deja de ser un patrón para construir un objeto.
La multidisciplinariedad es lo que de verdad nos convierte en diseñadores. Por este motivo el IED apuesta por el Área Multidisciplinar y crea una serie de talleres donde desarrollar la parte conceptual del diseño a través de prácticas reales, donde reúne personas, procedencias y disciplinas diferentes.